- People sure do drink a lot of coffee
- Mom's are super skinny.
- All high school kids wear designer clothes.
- It's okay for high school teacher to have a fling with one of his students...if she's hot.
- If you send an anonymous note to your frenemies make sure that you sign your name with the first letter in your name --A
- When a "bad" guy starts chasing you in a church, DO NOT run UP the stairs to the bell tower. There is a pretty big chance there will be nowhere else to run.
- Thank goodness for cellphones
- Rich people don't own dogs.
- Toby reminds me of Rip Esselsyn. (google it)
- Don't wear you dead friends clothes, even if it is for a fundraiser.
- It doesn't matter if you turn on a light, you can see just as well in dim or no light at all.
- Never trust a shifty police officer.
- What would we ever do without texting?
- If I want to be a good liar, I should probably let my hair grow.
- Everyone needs a satchel two times bigger than her head.
- Always, Always explore the basement of a hospital if given the chance.
- When told to walk more quietly use the comeback, "It's FINE! Jenna's blind!" umm?
- Apparently the best liar boyfriends have to have dark hair.
- If your dad leaves your family, don't worry, he'll most likely sleep over every now and then.
- NO ONE looks good in a candy stripers apron...well, maybe Spencer but that's it!
BONUS: I'm predicting here and now that "A" really is Jenna. AND that she spies on everyone through a small recorder inside those tacky stuffed animals.