One of the coolest things I've experienced as a teacher
actually happened this past Thursday.
After communication with my friend Becca and a couple of trials and errors,
we were able to set up a video chat between our first grade classes.
Becca is the computer teacher at a private school in New York City.
After teaching a unit about communication, Becca
wanted to set up a video chat with two of her first grade classes
and our class here in Provo, Utah.
If I follow the pathway back to where all of this began, I am astounded.
You see, Becca and I met on an online message board about six years ago.
We began commenting about each other's posts and something truly clicked.
I really liked this woman!
I had the privilege of meeting Becca on a trip to New York City back
in 2007 on a trip to visit two of my other online friends (Chelle and Pam).
We went out for Indian food. Becca and I were instant friends.
We called each other the MormoJews.
(I know...only funny to the two of us)
we met again in Denver for a Race For the Cure 5K.
Solidifying our friendship.
back to the chat.
Because of the time difference, the only time we could connect was during half
of our lunchtime. I arranged for the children to have sack lunches that day which we
ate in our classroom. That alone just about did those children in!
That was very exciting for them to eat together like that.
After a few technical difficulties (Grrrrr!)
we finally connected and had a wonderful visit with the first graders at Becca’s school!
The children were mesmerized. I was too. It was so much fun.
Thank you, Becca. Thank you First Graders.
We are very excited to be penpals.