Anyway, I am now going to share one of my favorite money saving tips for the grocery store. I make a lot of sauces and gravy (I'm famous 'round these parts for my gravy). I love making soups as well. Most of these recipes call for beef or chicken broth. I like the canned kind just fine but, for an extra "punch" I like to dissolve a boulion cube in hot water. It adds great flavor andis well worth the extra effort of heating the water.
(An aside: My mom used to make hot beef boulion broth for me when I wasn't feeling well. Just water and flavouring. That's it. I adored that stuff, and I adored the way it made me feel when mum would bring it to me and play with my hair while I sipped it. It was an instant healer!)
Now back to my frugal tip. I'm sure you already know about the whole "buy your spices from the Mexican Food Aisle" thing. (If you don't...just check it out next time you are at the store. The prices are unbelievably better there) Well, your boulion is also much, much cheaper and, in my humble opinion, tastier than the American made flavors. See??
These are only 21.9 cents per serving
These are .91 cents per serving
Pretty much a no-brainer, right?? Think of me next time you need boulion cubes, won't you??
You're welcome.
(I seriously can't believe that I wrote an entire blog post about boulion cubes. What's up with me?)