Melissa and Danny
Married for time and all eternity
August 13, 2011
Oh what a day! My oldest daughter wed Danny Sullivan in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. We worked and slaved over every detail of this wedding. We giggled sometimes. Sometimes we cried. Often the color I picked for something was "off" and I fretted. More often than not, our ideas were spot on. The outcome was beautiful and amazing. (which will be forthcoming) Everyone said so. It was happy and special and lots of fun.
However, honestly, all of the preparations, the reception, the luncheon in between all pale in comparison to the wonderful, eternal, marriage ceremony. Only the closest of friends and family are allowed to witness the union. I know that the rest of the world may have a hard time with this aspect of our religion. I am always astounded at those who truly understand about the sacredness of a person's beliefs and allows them to practice without persecution. Just know that (as the title says) the temple is a place of LOVE and Beauty. Only marvelous and joyous things take place there. And this was definitely one of them.
As a mother, I cannot properly express the feelings I had to see my lovely daughter sitting in the sealing (marriage) room ready to become a wife. I remember sitting beside her and looking around the room at those in attendance that meant so much to me in my life. People who have supported me through so many things and now were there to support me as my Melissa was married. People I truly love like: My sweet youngest daughter, Erika and her stalwart and true husband Tyler. My heart might as well have exploded in my chest looking at them and knowing how much they loved their sister Melissa.
There was Terry, my strong rock of a husband who let me into his life to love his children who were also there: Spencer and Erin and Abbie. I love them as my own. And knowing that his daughter, Melissa would be waiting outside the temple doors to meet us made me smile as well. It was nice to see Terry's sister Becky who is in very poor health accompanied by his niece Liz. Terry's family has always been such a supportive family to us.
Then there were my friends and family: Kathe and Fred Torgerson, my best friend who bought me both my dress AND shoes for the wedding! But, more than that, she has been a true sister to me. I love her. There was Brian, my brother and his wife Sarah (my sister) who came from Calgary, Canada to support my little family. Their daughter Adrianne and their son Brant with wife Ariel were there as well. I adore my family.
Then, as I continued my perusal of the room, I saw Melissa's friends who were instrumental friends who worked together with Melissa to remain "good" girls throughout their growing pains. Lindey and Corbin, Ali and Warner. Thanks for loving Melissa.
Then there was Danny's family. I looked at them and realized that they were the backbone of my new son-in-laws life. They helped build his strength and love and respect he shows my daughter. Linda and Brian and Danny's grandpa that I can't remember his name right now but love. I felt so thankful for the way they raised their son and know she is in good hands for the rest of her life.
The ceremony was beautiful. I cried. But, if you know me, that isn't surprising. I am including, oh I don't know, maybe 1000 pictures for my readers to look at at their leisure. I just couldn't pare it down any more than I could. So, enjoy. But, be forewarned that there are lots of them.
•Audrie peeking through the temple doors.
•The happy couple.
•Terry with Milo and Eli.
•Beauty |
•Erika and Melissa
•Terry and Melissa
•The Groom
•The Bride |
So beautiful and happy. |
All of the children.
(I made those yellow dresses by the way!) |
This collage cracks me up. I mean, who wouldn't want to hug the bride?
So, beginning at the top left and going clockwise: Olivia, Melissa, Kathe,
Sarah, Erin, Linda hugging Danny, Mallory B., Melissa (yet ANOTHER one. This one
will be Mel Rae's new sister-in-law!), Ian, Sean, Abbie, Mia, Daddio, Erika, me,
Isabel hugging Eloise,
The Littles in the Front: Eli, Milo, Isabel, Olivia, Audrie, and Lyla.
The Center Row: Grandpa Reynolds, Linday, Melissa, baby Collin, Sean, Brian, Mia
Brant, Adrianne, Ariel, Erika and baby Eloise, Danny, Melissa, Moi, Terry, Abbie, Elizabeth, Becky,
Erin and Keeler, Spencer, Melissa, Kathe and Fred.
Back Row: Ian, Conner, Tyler, Richie, Corbin, Lindey with baby Nora, Mallory B., Ali, Warner. |
My offspring (sort of):
Me, Terry, Melissa, Danny, Erika, Tyler and Eloise. |
Terry's offspring mixed with my offspring makes one HUGE lovely and perfect family.
Oh how I love each and every one of them.
Front littles (again): Eloise, Milo, Isabel (M and I are twins), Keeler, Olivia, Audrie, Eli, and Lyla.
(Olivia and Lyla are twins as well!)
Back row: Tyler, Erika, Spencer, Erin, Me, Danny, Melissa, Terry, Melissa, Abbie |
Danny's, and now Melissa's, sweet family:
Brian, Ian, Mia, Danny, Melissa, Sean, Melissa with baby Collin, and Linda
Such an amazing morning. I could live it over and over again. |