Remember my list from the last blog? I am happy to tell you that I did 23/24 (plus a whole lot more) of the things on that list. It was a busy Spring Break. I COULD NOT have done it without this sweet little cleaning angel Alycia:
Don't you love this picture?? I do. This is my niece, Jodi's, little girl Alycia. I have never seen the cleaning likes of this little girl. She cleaned every blind and washed every baseboard and banister in the house. I love her.
On to the SHOWER!
(just so we're clear, I stole pretty much all of these photos from Erika's blog about said shower since I only had time to take a couple)
This was so much fun.
I tried something new. I was worried it would backfire but, based on the number
of attendees (about 30) it worked just fine.
I didn't mail out any invitations, but, rather I created an event on
FACEBOOK where I invited as many friends
and family, who had a Facebook account, that I could!
This is the future my friends.
So, if were wondering why you didn't get an invite, you are exactly right you didn't, and must NOT
have a Facebook account. I apologized to those who didn't receive notification.
However, I DID put the announcement in the last post
so...what am I even worried about?
Anyway...I now present a baby shower in photographs:
I used my cupcake recipe I have now become famous for. I got the recipe from my daughter
Abbie. They are always a hit. The water bottles were adorable too. I stripped them of their labels and made my own. Each one said: "Welcome Baby Eloise". Erin provided the fruit bowl and vegetable tray. My favorite treat was the last minute cotton candy I purchased.
On the left: The guest favor...a cellophane bag with little candy pacifiers and a duck made out of
On the right: The most adorable and delicious blue punch
on which Melissa floated little rubber ducks.
I got the idea from
here.Look at that darling Melissa with Olivia, my little grand daughter.
As part of my gift for the mom-to-be, as well as partly for decoration,
I sewed this banner.
However, this picture was taken mid-creation.
(I don't have a finished photo! or a "GOOD" photo even!)
I spelled out Eloise's name with one letter on each triangle, top-stitched around
each one, THEN I made my own bias tape (which looked amazing) to hold it all together.
Oh, and I made a little
yo-yo to go between each triangle.
(I'll get a photo for a future post)
This was one of my favorite sewing projects ever because I just winged it without a pattern.
I also sewed a car seat
(Yet another photo I'll have to get in the future)
I put a flannel duck baby quilt on my quilting frames for
the guests to tie. Everyone put in at least one stitch.
I also set up a craft with Erin's (she's on the left) help. Guests were invited to create little hair bows for Eloise. In this picture you'll see Erin (daughter-in-law), Erika (mommy-to-be), and Sarah (Erika's and my |
On the left are the most delicious cupcakes in the universe.
On the right: My attempt at label making.
It says "Welcome Baby Eloise" |
And here is the mommy of the hour. She looked so adorable that day. I'm overly excited to get little Eloise safely here. |
Thank you to everyone who came, sent best wishes, sent gifts etc. I am constantly amazed by the generosity of my friends and family.