Last night was one of the most exciting, fun, weird, joyful, and memorable evenings I've had in a long time. It was the premiere of the this badboy.
The best part of the whole event was that I had my family with me. It all started at 8:00 when we met at Chili's for a delicious meal together. In attendance: Me, Terry, Erika, Tyler, Melissa, and Danny. It was delicious and fun to let loose, to laugh, and to talk and enjoy my girls and their boys.
I'm very proud of Melissa for controlling ALL of her fingers during the picture sessions!!
Ha ha!

My cute little baby who is pregnant with her own baby.
Melissa brought Erika and Tyler an adorable gift:

Pretty cute! Yes?
This little baby will be spoiled by his/her
Auntie Melissa (and possibly by his/her grandmother).

Our side of the table.

Their side of the table!
We had about an hour to kill so we went back to our house to get into our Harry Potter getups. Here's Tyler with Terry's awesome garage sale find.
Then, it was off to see the movie. Just so you know, Terry and I have NEVER done anything like this before. We were bamboozled by our children into thinking that we were ALL going to dress up as a favorite character. When we actually got there, you guessed it, Terry and I were the ONLY two of the six dressed up. After a brief cold sweat moment on my part, I decided I didn't care and went with the whole thing!
I am so glad I did! I had a ball. Terry was dressed as a death eater. I even tattooed the horrid death eater tattoo on his arm. I did a pretty good job too, if I do say so myself! (sorry, no picture! I just plain old forgot!)He disappeared for a while to the basement and came up looking like this:
What a great sport!
Then there is THIS
I love my left eye that looks crossed.
Whenever I look at this picture, I just have to shake my head...
kind of like YOU must be doing about now. Yes?
I absolutely LOVE Professor Trelawney! I knew I had to "BE" her for this special evening. Other than the borrowed glasses from my good friend Frankie, I found everything else in my house. I really enjoyed the final product. Somehow, putting on a wig, or even glasses for that matter, make me feel like I could behave in ways I normally wouldn't. Is that a "false sense of security?" I say yes.

Here we are! For some reason, I LOVE this picture! If you look closely, you can see Terry's tattoo and wig. For about 15 minutes I got to feel what it must feel like to be famous. We had several groups of people ask if we would pose with them for pictures. I loved it. We hammed it up and had a great time while our daughters pointed and laughed!
(Wicked, wicked girls!)
We got our picture taken by the group at Presumably a picture of us will show up on their site in the next few days. There were so many amazing costumes at the theatre. Seriously! There was a guy dressed as Hagrid who could have been the real deal. I loved the group of school girls who bounced around the common area as one. They looked very cute. OH, and there was a toeheaded Draco Malfoy who was picture perfect.
The movie was wonderful. I kept commenting to Erika that many, many of the scenes were exactly as I pictured them when I was reading. It is probably the most comedic movie of the series. I was really laughing at the part where there were several Harrys in the room and Fleur saying "Look away Bill".
Now I know there are lots of mothers out there who are concerned about the "nude" scene. If you want my opinion, I mean...REALLY want it (and can take it), just email me and I'll tell you all. But, let it be said right here from me (and this is just my opinion), I thought the scene in question was not just thoughtlessly thrown into the movie like so many had predicted. The scene actually made sense and contributed to Ron's anger. Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about that! :)
Well, as you can see, I had the time of my life. I can't wait to do it again. I'm thinking of dressing like Professor Umbridge by sewing myself a pink woolen dress. I could walk around carving words into people's forearms! Or...maybe not! What do you think?
If anyone wants to go and needs a movie partner, I'd go again.
Did you know that if you buy your movie tickets online from Jordan Commons theaters you get an assigned seat? It was great. We reserved our usual favorite place right in the middle front row where we could put our feet up on the bar. PLUS, we didn't have to go and stand in line for hours waiting for them to let us into the theatre.
I got home at 4:00 am! I was still wide awake. And, no, I didn't go to school today. I took the day off. I've had a very busy work week. Wednesday I was at the school from 7 am until 8:30 pm because of my regular teaching day (7-3:15), after school teaching (3:30-5:00), preparation for the Parent Party class I was teaching that night (5-7...I also threw in a little classroom clean up), and then, at the Parent Party, I taught a class about reading aloud to your child (7-8:30).
Yesterday, I taught school from 7:30-1:30, and after that, I met with all 20 parents of my students at parent teacher conferences from 1:30-6:30. To find out what I did after that, just reread this post (ya, right, like THAT'S going to happen)>
as you can see, I'm fairly exhausted right now. But it's a great feeling. I'm loving my life at the moment. There's just so much to see, do, and look forward to.
I'm done now. If you're still reading, thank you, YOU ARE A SAINT and deserve all good things for your patience and perseverance!