Erika was my second and last born child. She was born only 13 months after her sister in 1989. I was so happy to have another girl and so happy that it was Erika.
Since the day she was born, Erika has provided our family with interesting ideas and comic relief. She is the typical second/youngest child (which happens to be one of the reasons I like her so much being one myself!) She was born on Friday the 13th but brought us no nightmares or scary moments...ok, maybe a couple.
Here are my reasons why I like Erika so darn much:
1. Her eyes. Erika has these eyes that can tell whole stories when you look into them. They are big and hazel with giganticly long eyelashes. Her grandpa (Ray) used to say that her eyes melted his heart and that there was something very special about them...and her. I know that she has used them on more than one occasion to get what she wants. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, you could see Erika's soul every time you look into them. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see big tears fill her eyes. They are beautiful.
2. Her sense of humor cracks me up. It's not that she tries to be funny. She just is. She can be so goofy. She also "gets" me and my jokes (which is a task in itself) and actually laughs at them. I also appreciate it when she tells me I'm NOT funny (even though I don't believe her).
3. She loves kids. I am so glad that she has chosen a profession that works with children. She is so calm and loving toward them. I love to watch her holding her little nieces and nephews or reading them stories. I know she will make an awesome mother someday. Which means, I can be an awesome grami!
4. She is paying her way through college. No loans. No cosigning. Nothing. She is working hard and using her hard earned paychecks to pay for her tuition. Honestly, that is something I never thought would happen. I am amazed by this. I'm not sure I could have done it all by myself. I truly admire her for that. I know it's hard not to keep her hard earned money for things she wants but she does it.
5. She is deeply spiritual. She loves the lord. She knows what is right and she knows where she is going in her life.
If you know Erika, you like her. If you don't know her, you would.